Hello! Club Penguin has just released the Field Op #29! Let's go with G at the EPF Headquarters.
The Aquagrabber's security systems just stopped an intruder from stealing its parts!
We must act quickly. Work together to make sure all other Aquagrabber's are secure.
I'm sure that you will immediatly go to the Iceberg and to the Aqua Grabber, but it isn't the correct place! The right place is the Hidden Lake. Yes! Now, go inside of the old Aqua Grabber that is there.
This Field Op is exactly the same as the Field Op #1. It is the easier Field Op! Once you finish it you will have earned another EPF Medal. Good work!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Reviewed by You, New Year!
Hello! Billybob has just posted in the CP Blog the Reviewed by You of this week. Last week's question was, Which Coins for Change cause you donated for? Bumba1 was selected! Here is what he/she said.
I donate to all of the causes because some people aren't as fortunate as us and I really want to make a difference. I saw what Club Penguin did last year for the kids in Haiti and I wanted to make more people happy this year. If we build shelter, people will be warmer and safer. If we donate towards saving our forests, we can save so many animal species! If we provide medical help, we can be a healthier world. I hope everyone thinks about how they are helping the less fortunate when they donate to Coins for Change. Happy holidays!
Really nice answer, Bumba1! Now, Billybob has another question for us, What are you looking forward to in the New Year? If your answer is selected, your Penguin will receive $10,000! In other news, remember to vote in the CPI Stories, you decide! post if you haven't already. Thanks and see you later!
I donate to all of the causes because some people aren't as fortunate as us and I really want to make a difference. I saw what Club Penguin did last year for the kids in Haiti and I wanted to make more people happy this year. If we build shelter, people will be warmer and safer. If we donate towards saving our forests, we can save so many animal species! If we provide medical help, we can be a healthier world. I hope everyone thinks about how they are helping the less fortunate when they donate to Coins for Change. Happy holidays!
Really nice answer, Bumba1! Now, Billybob has another question for us, What are you looking forward to in the New Year? If your answer is selected, your Penguin will receive $10,000! In other news, remember to vote in the CPI Stories, you decide! post if you haven't already. Thanks and see you later!
Monday, December 27, 2010
CPI Stories, you decide!
Hello! As you may know, I have been writing stories and publishing them here, in the blog. Already I have two stories completed, "Numbers" and "Photos". Now, I have some ideas of other stories I could make. But, I don't know what story post first. So, I need your help! I will post 2 ideas of stories, I will make a description of each one and you will vote for what story you want to read first!
Mysterious murders have been happening in all the city, and the police can't find the responsible. When two boys hear the rumor that exists a phone number that calls Devil, one of them calls, believing it's just a joke. But they soon know who is the responsible of all the murders... Now, they have to make the most important surviving race of their lives, before Devil returns the call.
We are the Future
In times of 1810, Mexico's Independence's times, two boys find a portal to actual world. They soon know that this world was much better that their old, violent and difficult times. But when strange things began to happen in all the World, they soon discover that their absences in their old world is completely changing the one that we know today.
Now, vote for the story you want to read first!

In January 1 the first part of the story winner will be posted! Thanks and see you later!
Mysterious murders have been happening in all the city, and the police can't find the responsible. When two boys hear the rumor that exists a phone number that calls Devil, one of them calls, believing it's just a joke. But they soon know who is the responsible of all the murders... Now, they have to make the most important surviving race of their lives, before Devil returns the call.
We are the Future
In times of 1810, Mexico's Independence's times, two boys find a portal to actual world. They soon know that this world was much better that their old, violent and difficult times. But when strange things began to happen in all the World, they soon discover that their absences in their old world is completely changing the one that we know today.
Now, vote for the story you want to read first!
In January 1 the first part of the story winner will be posted! Thanks and see you later!
Club Penguin's Schedule!
Hello penguins! Guess what? Thanks to Loulou11207 and Mimo777, we have got a Special Exclusive Sneak Peek of what's coming til' June! It is a schedule created by a worker of the CP Team, maybe Billybob, that shows some of the plans CP wants to make!
If you can't see it well, click the image to enlarge. Awesome, right? Here are some plans I found that could be new.
If you can't see it well, click the image to enlarge. Awesome, right? Here are some plans I found that could be new.
- Help station
- System Defender
- Strategist Class
- Puffle Collision Course
- Stamps for Pizzatron
- iPhone's Mobile Server
- Card Jitsu Water Expansion Deck
- New CP Magazine
- Stamps for Treasure Hunt
- Stealth Class
- Stamps for Ice Fishing
- Global New Members Outyard Community
- Big EPF Launch
- Rockhopper Igloo Contest
- EPF Deck
- Board Game
Sunday, December 26, 2010
CPI New Year awards, 2010 Videogames!
Hello! Sorry about the BIG delay... I was really busy with Chrsitmas things and I was out of home with my family. Hope that you had a really nice Christmas! Well,as you may have noticed,this category wasn't announced in the first post of CPI New Year Awards, so it's a surprise category!
2010 Videogames

Vote for your favorite Videogame of the Year! And for the ones that haven't voted for the best 2010 Movie already, please vote! Thanks and see you later!
2010 Videogames
Vote for your favorite Videogame of the Year! And for the ones that haven't voted for the best 2010 Movie already, please vote! Thanks and see you later!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
CPI New Year Awards: 2010 Movies
Friday, December 17, 2010
Holiday Party is here!
Hello! Guess what? Club Penguin´s Holiday Party has begun! Yay! First go to the Town:
This room is REALLY decorated... at the top of the Night Club you can see Santa´s Sled and the Christmas Tree... Also here you can see one of the many establishments of Coins for Change. :O What´s that new sign in the down left corner? Umm, let´s go to see...
Wow! This is a NEW room! Here we can see the biggest Christmas Tree in the Island... look! There are two ways, one goes to the Town and the other one to the Plaza. Cool! Now let´s go to see the Beach:
Here you can see that all the money that gets recolected from Coins for Change go to the Lighthouse. Oh, see! Rockhopper´s ship! Well, first I will go to the Lighthouse.
Woah! How much coins! I´m millionaire! lol :D In the Beacon you can see that in the top of the Light bulb says: GOAL This means that our goal is to full all the Lighthouse to that point! Wow! I can´t wait to see how the Lighthouse seems full of coins :D Oh and if you throw a Snowball it will turn into a Coin.
Here is my list of Places I recommend you to visit:
- Town
- Coffee Shop
- Night Club´s Lounge
- ??? Room
- Lighthouse
- Mountain
- Ski Village ( Free Item! )
- Rockhopper´s Ship
- Snow Forts
- Book Room
- Dock ( New Pin! )
- Santa´s Sled
- Dojo Courtyard
Also, don´t forget to donate for Coins for Change! Merry Christmas!
This room is REALLY decorated... at the top of the Night Club you can see Santa´s Sled and the Christmas Tree... Also here you can see one of the many establishments of Coins for Change. :O What´s that new sign in the down left corner? Umm, let´s go to see...
Wow! This is a NEW room! Here we can see the biggest Christmas Tree in the Island... look! There are two ways, one goes to the Town and the other one to the Plaza. Cool! Now let´s go to see the Beach:
Here you can see that all the money that gets recolected from Coins for Change go to the Lighthouse. Oh, see! Rockhopper´s ship! Well, first I will go to the Lighthouse.
Woah! How much coins! I´m millionaire! lol :D In the Beacon you can see that in the top of the Light bulb says: GOAL This means that our goal is to full all the Lighthouse to that point! Wow! I can´t wait to see how the Lighthouse seems full of coins :D Oh and if you throw a Snowball it will turn into a Coin.
Here is my list of Places I recommend you to visit:
- Town
- Coffee Shop
- Night Club´s Lounge
- ??? Room
- Lighthouse
- Mountain
- Ski Village ( Free Item! )
- Rockhopper´s Ship
- Snow Forts
- Book Room
- Dock ( New Pin! )
- Santa´s Sled
- Dojo Courtyard
Also, don´t forget to donate for Coins for Change! Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Field - Op #27!
Hi! Club Penguin has just released the Field Op #27! Let´s go to EPF Headquarters to talk with G:
We have a clue! After last week´s Field - Op Operation, strange tire tracks where found leaving the Scene.
The hidden tracks led right to the Ski Village. Search there for more enemy signals.
Strange Tire tracks?!? That means that our enemies are trying to use a vehicle? That´s really interesting... Well, let´s go to the Ski Village!
Now, we have to go behind the TOURS advertisment! Here it is! If you can´t move to that place, click the mountain and you will walk there! Can you notice that a forest is just behind? Even more interesting...
Yay! This Field - Op is one of my favorites! Match the symbols in order to get the correct code... Once you complete this Field - Op you will have a new EPF Medal! Good work!
We have a clue! After last week´s Field - Op Operation, strange tire tracks where found leaving the Scene.
The hidden tracks led right to the Ski Village. Search there for more enemy signals.
Strange Tire tracks?!? That means that our enemies are trying to use a vehicle? That´s really interesting... Well, let´s go to the Ski Village!
Now, we have to go behind the TOURS advertisment! Here it is! If you can´t move to that place, click the mountain and you will walk there! Can you notice that a forest is just behind? Even more interesting...
Yay! This Field - Op is one of my favorites! Match the symbols in order to get the correct code... Once you complete this Field - Op you will have a new EPF Medal! Good work!
Photos ( Final Part! )
- It´s a story really sad and painful... - she said - but, if you want, I can tell you -
- Yes, please tell us -
The old lady saw me, and I could recognize sadness in her eyes.
- It was August 28, 1995. My daughter, Melissa, went out with his father ( my husband, Henry ) to bought a new camera for her. When they finally bought the camera, they decided to came back to the house. In the way, Henry decided to stop in a restaurant to go to the Bathroom. He... - the old lady made a pause - left Melissa alone while he was there. When he went out, he didn´t saw Melissa...
- What happened next? - I asked
- He got out of the Restaurant, and then he saw a black car going to a fast velocity to another street. He toke a Bicycle that was there, and he went to follow the car. Suddenly, the car went even more faster and Henry lost it. He searched in all the streets, asking every person that he founded there, trying to find Melissa. Hours passed, and he finally arrived here, at 14th May Street. He saw the black car that toke Melissa parked there, and he ran to search her. He entered the alley that you saw here - she pointed to a dark alley between two stores that where there - and he saw something horrible...
- What thing? - Ricky asked
The old lady saw Ricky with a face of complete sadness, and then she said to him:
- What do you think he saw, boy? -
- Oh, I´m sorry to hear that... -
- The thing is - continued the old lady - that he found something else -
- What? - I asked
- A photo -
Ricky and I couldn´t talk. Couldn´t move.
- A photo, in which appeared my Melissa... - said the old lady, shaking - dead - she said in a low voice. - When the police and the ambulances arrived, they toke Melissa, but Henry conserved the photo. I saw him all days looking it, crying a little. Until, he didn´t resist anymore... I have to go, guys, it´s colder now... - she said, trying to change of subject.
- Will we have the pleasure of meet you again? - I asked her
- With a little of luck, I hope so - she said to me
- Only one more question, what´s your name? - Ricky asked the old lady.
- Jennifer Stakletop - She turned around, and he went.
Ricky and I where alone. I turned my head to the alley, and I said to Ricky:
- Should we have to enter? -
- Enter? Are you crazy?!? -
- But, why not? - I asked him
Suddenly, Ricky didn´t move. He pointed with his finger behind me, terrorized
- Jerry!!! -
I turned around.
The man was standing just behind me.
He observed me a few seconds. I didn´t move, until he said:
- Nice to meet you again... do you want me to take a photo of you and your friend? -
I screamed of terror, and, by instinct, Ricky and I ran to the alley, without knowing what to do. Then, I remembered everything.
<< Mr. Carl is dead! >>
<< Many people have sent many photos like that one here, to the Police Office. It´s really strange that when the police goes to investigate, results that the same person that is dead is the same person that appears in the photo.>>
<< He is the one that takes the photos >>
<< He is already trying to... kill us... >>
<< She, died at age of 15... >>
<< My daughter, Melissa, went out with his father ( my husband, Henry ) to bought a new camera for her. >>
<< He entered the alley that you saw here, and he saw something horrible... >>
<< He found something else >>
<< A photo, in which appeared my Melissa... dead >>
<< He didn´t resist anymore... >>
In that moment I understand everything.
Ricky and I continued running until we saw that the alley didn´t have exit.
We where trapped. I could see the man´s shadow in the walls, moving to us.
- Who is that man, Jerry?!? What do he wants?!?? -
I didn´t say nothing for a few seconds, until I turned my head to Ricky and said:
- Ricky, that man is Melissa´s father, Henry! -
- Melissa´s father?!? What makes you think that?!? -
- Don´t you understand? His daughter was killed, and he conserved the photo he found here! He couldn´t resist seeing it, and he died!
- So, are you saying that... -
- The photo we founded in the Brown Pack is the same photo that Henry found! He died by a photo, and now he kills by a photo! He is not alive! He´s searching vengeance! -
In that moment, Henry arrived where Ricky and I where.
At the end of a dark alley in New Jersey.
Henry touched the camera he was carrying.
- No, please no!!! - I said, in panic
He toked the camera up, and then he said:
- Smile to the camera -
Then Ricky made something I never thought.
He rushed to Henry, making him fall, and the camera felled to the floor.
- Take it, Jerry! Take it! -screamed Ricky
I immediately approached to the camera, and I toked it.
I could read that in the camera was written:
Melissa Stakletop.
The man finally escaped from Ricky, and he pushed him to the floor.
- Ricky! Come here! -
Ricky immediately ran behind of me, and then I said to Henry:
- Smile to the camera -
And I pressed the button.
The flash most bright I had never seen in my life was released from the camera.
Ricky and I could hear how Henry, husband of Jennifer Stakletop and father of Melissa Stakletop, screamed of horror.
Then the light disappeared. We couldn´t see Henry anywhere.
- Jerry, we beat it? All has finished? - said Ricky, excited
I saw something on the floor. A photo.
I walked to it, and I turned it around. But what I saw in it didn´t caused me panic.
In the photo was the same girl that in the one that was in the Brown Pack, Melissa, with his father, Henry, smiling happily.
- He finally rests in peace, Ricky -
We walked out of the alley, and we went to the hotel to sleep, happy and smiling.
The next morning, we returned back to Washington, our home, and we founded some classmates in a street.
- Jerry, Ricky! What a surprise to found you both here! - said David, one of the classmates
- Hi, David! - I said
- Hey Ricky and Jerry, do you want to appear in a photo we are going to include in our School album? -
I saw Ricky with a surprised face, and then I said to David:
- No thanks... well, we have to go -
- Ok. See you in school! - said David
When we just turned around, I heard how David pressed the button of his camera. Ricky and I walked as fast as possible to our houses, feared.
Meanwhile, with David:
- Curious... -
- What happens, David? - said Danny, another classmate that was there.
- Why does Jerry and Ricky appear blurry? -
Photos was created and written by Je45rry. This story has been registered and it is protected.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Photos ( Part 9 )
-We have to find "14th May" street now -
In that moment, I felt something, like a dog´s bite, in my hand that was bleeding. I screamed of pain, and immediately Ricky said to me:
- Are you ok, Jerry? What happens? - he said
- Don´t worry, Ricky, I´m ok... but we have to hurry -
We walked and walked in all the city, trying to found a street with a name of "14th May". Sometimes, I turned my head around to verify that no one was following us. We where about to give up, when we saw something.
In the other side of the street, was an old lady.
I don´t know why, but something said to me that she seemed familiar, like if I had already seen her somewhere. We walked to her, and when we where just behind the old lady, I said her:
- Good night -
She turned his head to us and then she responded:
- Good night. How can I help you, guys? - she said
- Sorry for the inconvenience, but you seem familiar to me... we met sometime? - I said, trying to sound the most formal possible.
- Familiar? - she asked
- Umm, yes, familiar - I said, now nervous
- Saying the truth, I don´t remember you, - she said to me - but maybe my daughter met you -
- Your daughter? - I asked
- Yes... everyone said that she and I where so similar... -
I saw Ricky with a confused face and then I asked the old lady:
- What do you want to mean with she and you WHERE so similar? -
- She, died at age of 15... -
I got impacted.
- Oh, I am so sorry to hear that... sorry about asking... -
- Oh, you don´t have to worry about it -
- May I ask you something? - I asked her
- What? - she said
- It´s night and cold... why are you here alone in the Street? -
- I don´t know... I just go here and remember many things... -
- Like what? - I asked
The old lady saw me with a sad face that caused me a special sensation, and then she said:
- Like the death of my daughter -
- What does this street make you remember that? - I asked, confused
- Here, at 14th May street, many things have happened -
I couldn´t talk. Then Ricky asked:
- Did you say "14th May" street? -
- Yes, that´s the name of this street. Here, a man killed my daughter -
- What?!? How?!? - I asked, surprised and confused at the same time
- It´s a story really sad and painful... - she said - but, if you want, I can tell you -
Made by Je45rry
( Final Part coming soon! )
Monday, December 13, 2010
C.P.I. New Year Awards 2010 Begins!
Hi Penguins! Guess what? 2010 is almost finishing and 2011 is almost starting, so it´s time to make a special event: C.P.I. New Year Awards 2010 has began! This event will be series of polls in which YOU will vote for your favorite. There will be 5 principal categories and some sub - categories:
1.- 2010 Movies
- Best Terror Movie
- Best Kid Movie
- Best Magic Movie
2.- 2010 Songs
- Best Pop Song
3.- 2010 CP Parties
- Halloween Party
- April Fools Party
- Music Jam Party
- 4th Anniversary Party
- Puffle Party
4.- 2010 Blogger
- Loulou11207
- Je45rry
- Davidhopper2
- Chuckyb13
- Monstercjr
- Flipper14354
- JT
- Sevalbar
- Pips4lucy
- Rosie7721
- Flatmat
- Dark Falkner
5.- 2010 CPI STORY
- Numbers
- Photos ( almost finished! )
If I forgot adding you in the 2010 Blogger List please tell me in a comment! Well, that are the 5 categories of this Year. The First Category will be launched tomorrow. Send a comment with your opinion about this events! Thanks and see you later!
Holiday Party Sneak Peek!
Hi! Billybob has posted in his blog some Sneak Peeks of the Holiday Party! Here is what he said.
Awesome! What do you think that mean those Images? Here are my suggestions:
1.- Umm, it looks a little confusing... it may be something new at the Map or an exit of the Plaza...
2.- Rockhopper´s Ship Crow´s Nest!
3.- The Dock!
Also, my "Photos" story is about to end, so you can´t loose the final parts! Send a comment with your opinion of this story. Thanks and see you later!
There's only a few days left until the Holiday Party! We've got some new surprises planned for this year. Some of your favorite rooms and activities will be returning too.
Awesome! What do you think that mean those Images? Here are my suggestions:
1.- Umm, it looks a little confusing... it may be something new at the Map or an exit of the Plaza...
2.- Rockhopper´s Ship Crow´s Nest!
3.- The Dock!
Also, my "Photos" story is about to end, so you can´t loose the final parts! Send a comment with your opinion of this story. Thanks and see you later!
Photos ( Part 8 )
- We are next -
I could notice the terror in Ricky´s eyes.
- No.. no.. no! - Ricky said, shaking - This can´t be happening to us! -
- What can we do?!? - I asked
Ricky turned his head to me and said:
- The photo! -
- What photo? -
- The one that is at the Brown Pack! It has to contain something that can help us! -
I toked out the photo from the Brown Pack. We observed it again, trying to find something relevant.
- Jerry... -
- What, Ricky? I said
- Do you notice that beyond the girl is an alley? -
- Yes... I can notice it... -
- Give me the magnifying glass - said Ricky
I gave him it. He began to observe the photo, and then he said:
- There appears the name of a street! -
- Really? - I asked
- Yes! -
- What´s the name? -
- "14th May" -
I immediately searched the street in all the maps I could found, until I finally got it.
- It´s at New Jersey! -
- New Jersey? Don´t you think it is a little far?
- In a plane we can arrive fast! -
In that moment, I felt something in my hand. Something cold. I noticed that the lights where turning off...
- What happens, Jerry? - said Ricky
I could feel as if someone was touching my hand, freezing it.
I didn´t move, until Ricky screamed.
- JERRY!!! -
I saw my hand. It was bleeding. Then I felt something horrible.
A breathing.
A breathing just as real as Ricky.
I reacted fast. I don´t know exactly why, but I immediately screamed:
We ran as fast as we could, until we where in the street.
- What happened there, Jerry? And why was your hand bleeding??? - asked Ricky
- He is already trying to... - I made a pause - kill us...
Ricky was terrorized.
- So, what are we waiting for? We have to go to New Jersey! -
I agreed. We toked a Taxi, and we went to the airport. When we where finally in New Jersey, I said:
-We have to find "14th May" street now -
Made by Je45rry
( Part 9 coming soon )
Club Penguin wons as Best Website in the BAFTA Poll!
Hi Penguins! Guess what? Club Penguin has won in the BAFTA contest ( British Academy of Film and Television Awards ) as Best Webiste! Here is what Billybob said to us:
This week we've been talking about giving... And on the subject of great gifts, we wanted to say a big thank you for a gift you gave us!
You awarded Club Penguin the Kid's Vote for best website in the BAFTA awards. For those of you who don't know, BAFTA stands for - British Academy of Film and Television Awards - it's a really big deal in the UK! So a HUGE thanks to all of you who voted. It means a lot to us!
Wow! Congratulations, Club Penguin! You really deserve this Award! Also, in other news, would you like to enter my Holiday Contest? If so, click here and follow the instructions! Oh, and because New Year is REALLY close, I am planning to make a special event in the Blog... well, See you later!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Field - Op #26!
Hi Penguins! Club Penguin has just released the Field - Op #26! First we have to go with G. Here is what he says:
The signal we decoded last week said, "Our Plan is working! Get the parts from the Booth!"
We must investigate. Work together to look for this "booth" and repair any damage you find"
Ummm, this worries me... did you noticed how it said: "OUR plan is working"?!? It means that there s more than 1 enemy... that´s strange! In the first Field - Op that represented these Attacks G said that he suspected that it may not be Herbert the responsible... so, who is trying to attack us? Well, a Booth? Yes, I know where it is!
At the Plaza, obviously! Here you can see the Booth of the Stage. Enter it and your Phone will start to ring... if you can´t enter the Booth because there are penguins, click above it!
Well, I think that you already know what to do in this Field - Op lol :D Once you finish it you will have earned another E.P.F. Medal! Good work! Also, in other news, are you liking the "Holiday Contest" that I am organizing? Send a comment if you are going to participate! Thanks and see you later!
The signal we decoded last week said, "Our Plan is working! Get the parts from the Booth!"
We must investigate. Work together to look for this "booth" and repair any damage you find"
Ummm, this worries me... did you noticed how it said: "OUR plan is working"?!? It means that there s more than 1 enemy... that´s strange! In the first Field - Op that represented these Attacks G said that he suspected that it may not be Herbert the responsible... so, who is trying to attack us? Well, a Booth? Yes, I know where it is!
At the Plaza, obviously! Here you can see the Booth of the Stage. Enter it and your Phone will start to ring... if you can´t enter the Booth because there are penguins, click above it!
Well, I think that you already know what to do in this Field - Op lol :D Once you finish it you will have earned another E.P.F. Medal! Good work! Also, in other news, are you liking the "Holiday Contest" that I am organizing? Send a comment if you are going to participate! Thanks and see you later!
Reviewed by You: Coins for Change!
Hi! Billybob has posted in his blog ( Club Penguin´s Community Blog ) the "Reviewed by You" of this week. Last week he talked about how would we decorate our Igloos for Holidays. Timeara was selected! Here is her comment:
I really like the Coins For Change item, and the snowmen. For the Coins For Change item, you could make a box that lets you type in the amount of coins you want to donate. And for the snowmen, you could do what Rolo 23 said, but it wouldnt be a game, it would come with accessories.
Really good idea, Timeara! If that could happen I would donate MANY coins in a single donation! Now, this Week´s "Reviewed by You" question is: What will you do to raise donations for Coins For Change? Remember that if your comment is chosen, you will receive 10,000 coins to your Penguin Account! See you later!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Rockhopper returns and Holiday Contest!
Hello! Guess what? Rockhopper is coming again to: Coins for Change! Yes! This only happens 1 time in all the year! Once the Holiday Party starts this December 10, Rockhopper is expected to arrive to the Island and began to recollect coins for this great event! All the money that is recolected from this event will be donated to people in need in all the World! You can see Rockhopper´s ship coming through the Telescope at the Lighthouse´s Beacon.
In other news, because Christmas and New Year is coming this month, I have decided to make a Christmas - New Year Contest! ( or Holiday Contest ) In this contest, you have to make a picture - drawing ( it can be by Computer, but if you want to do it manually you can scan it ) that represents to you the real value of Christmas and New Year. This are the points you have to follow:
- It have to be related with Christmas or New Year
- It have to contain images ( obvious, it´s a picture! )
- It can be of Club Penguin
- It have to contain your name in it
When it is ready, save it and then send it to je45rry@hotmail.com I will receive your submissions, and on November 22 I will post the drawings in the blog, and I will make a poll so anyone can vote for what drawing is the best one. The one with most votes win! These are the prizes:
1st Place:
- Your penguin will appear in the Blog
- I will link to your Blog
- Your image will appear forever in a future New Page!
- I will add your blog to my Blogroll ( if not added )
- I will add your Banner in the Banner´s Page forever ( and in the Blog´s Sidebar for 1 week )
- I will send you a Special Card to your penguin e-mail! ( A penguin e-mail is like mine: je45rry@hotmail.com )
2nd Place and up:
- Your penguin will appear in the Blog
- Your image will appear forever in a future New Page!
- I will add your banner in the Banner´s Page forever!
- And because it´s Christmas, I will also send you a Special Card!
Do you like this Prizes? I hope so, but if you think that something could be added just tell me in a comment! Hope that you can participate in this Holiday Contest!
In other news, because Christmas and New Year is coming this month, I have decided to make a Christmas - New Year Contest! ( or Holiday Contest ) In this contest, you have to make a picture - drawing ( it can be by Computer, but if you want to do it manually you can scan it ) that represents to you the real value of Christmas and New Year. This are the points you have to follow:
- It have to be related with Christmas or New Year
- It have to contain images ( obvious, it´s a picture! )
- It can be of Club Penguin
- It have to contain your name in it
When it is ready, save it and then send it to je45rry@hotmail.com I will receive your submissions, and on November 22 I will post the drawings in the blog, and I will make a poll so anyone can vote for what drawing is the best one. The one with most votes win! These are the prizes:
1st Place:
- Your penguin will appear in the Blog
- I will link to your Blog
- Your image will appear forever in a future New Page!
- I will add your blog to my Blogroll ( if not added )
- I will add your Banner in the Banner´s Page forever ( and in the Blog´s Sidebar for 1 week )
- I will send you a Special Card to your penguin e-mail! ( A penguin e-mail is like mine: je45rry@hotmail.com )
2nd Place and up:
- Your penguin will appear in the Blog
- Your image will appear forever in a future New Page!
- I will add your banner in the Banner´s Page forever!
- And because it´s Christmas, I will also send you a Special Card!
Do you like this Prizes? I hope so, but if you think that something could be added just tell me in a comment! Hope that you can participate in this Holiday Contest!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Photos ( Part 7 ) EXTENDED
All had those blurry things at the sides.
Ricky´s dad seemed to be as scared as us. And he had a reason to. When I began seeing all the photos, I was shaking. All was horrible, different persons, different places... and all of them really scared. But I become terrorized when I noticed something in all the photos: In all the people eye´s, something strange seemed to be reflected when the Photo was token, bu it was so small that I couldn´t know what it was.
- Ricky´s dad, umm, can we conserve this photos? - I said to him
He looked at me like if I was crazy and then he said:
- But, why do you want to conserve them? -
- That´s a really good question - I said, laughing of myself - but I think I have to investigate something about all this... -
- Well, in that case, it´s ok. But don´t loose them, ok? They are so valuable... - said Ricky´s dad, surprised
- I will take care of them, I promise - I said
He gave us all the photos and we went out of the Police Office. It was even more cloudy now.
- Why do you want all those photos, Jerry? What do you want to do with them? - said Ricky
- I saw something in all the people´s eyes in the photos and I think that it is something important -
- Ok, so, where do you want to go now? -
- I can´t really see what are those things at the eyes, because they are really small... so, I think that we have to go to the Science Shop -
- The Science Shop? But why? -
- Doesn´t seems obvious? There can we find something that can help us to zoom out and see better what is in the eyes! -
- Oh... yes, Ok. Let´s go -
We walked to the Science Shop. It was really near of the Police Office. When we arrived, we began searching something that could help us. I soon found a magnifying glass.
- Ricky, I found something! - I screamed, but soon one of the workers that where there said me to don´t do that again.
When Ricky came, I showed him the Magnifying glass. When we verified that no one was seeing us, we toke out Mr. Carl´s Photo and lay it in a desk. I approached the magnifying glass to the photo. We where terrorized.
In the eyes appeared the same man I saw at the School´s Parking lot and the one that Ricky and I saw at the street, in position of taking a photo. Ricky and I couldn´t move, until I said, shaking:
- He is the one that takes the photos -
Ricky looked at me, scared.
- But, why Mr. Carl? Why all those people? - Ricky said
- Don´t you understand, Ricky? All this has a relation... including the photo that was in the Brown Pack. We found it in Mr. Carl´s office, so it is probably that he saw it before he dead. -
I think Ricky began to understand, because I saw that he began to turn his face completely scared.
- Don´t you remember that movie, where you saw a Video and you die 7 days after? -
- "The Ring"? - Ricky asked
- Yes, that one. From something they got the idea of that movie... or not? - I asked
- What are you trying to explain? -
- It´s really probable that Mr. Carl saw the photo, and all those people in the photos too. -
- So, are you saying that everyone that sees the photo in the Brown Pack dies by the man when he takes the person... a photo?
- Yes... -
- But... we saw the photo... - said Ricky, completely terrorized - that means that...
I looked at him as terrorized as he was and then I said:
- We are next -
Made by Je45rry
( Part 8 coming soon )
Saturday, December 4, 2010
New Items and more in December!
Hi everybody! Billybob has just posted something in his blog: December upcoming events! Here is what he said:
This is my favorite time of the year! We just released the new holiday stuff in the Gift Shop and lots of you are already wearing the new outfits. You guys are fast!
We've got lots more festive stuff coming up for you this month. Check this out:
Here's a handy list of what's going on in December:
Dec. 9: New holiday igloo stuff is out - including some items you've been asking for.
Dec. 9-12: The Igloo Contest is open. Time to get decorating!
Dec. 16: The Holiday Party and Coins For Change start!
Wow! I think that December will be a very nice Month :D Also, do you like the new blog´s style? I have changed it to a Christmas version, and I also added Snowflakes effect. Send a comment with your opinion. :D
Wow! I think that December will be a very nice Month :D Also, do you like the new blog´s style? I have changed it to a Christmas version, and I also added Snowflakes effect. Send a comment with your opinion. :D
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Field - Op #25 and EPF Paycheck!
Hello penguins! Today Club Penguin released the Field - Op #25. First we have to go to talk with G in the E.P.F. Headquarters:
The attacks on the EPF have stopped. Our enemies have gone quiet - thanks to the effort of our agents.
We must act. Work together to look for any new enemy signals. Search near the ocean - it´s our only clue.
Wow, finally! lol Well, near the Ocean? Maybe the Dock, the Beach, the Iceberg, or... the Cove? Yes, let´s go to the Cove! Here we have to stand in the nearest place to the Ocean ( in the down - right part of the Screen, just aside of the Blue Catalog sign )
Yay! This Field - Op is one of my favorites! You have to match the Signals to their correct order. To do this, first create a list of signals and then follow the indications. Once completed, you will have another EPF Medal!
Also, today the FIRST EVER EPF Paycheck has been done. Remember that when Herbert destroyed the PSA we stopped receiving Agent Paychecks? Now, finally we are receiving again and of $350! $100 more than PSA paychecks! Thanks! Also, they are secret codes in this Paycheck. If you point with your mouse up of the date, a secret code will appear... It says: From the office of the Director You can know it following the Tick - Tack Toe code. Also, there is another secret code at the down part of the card. It says: Elite Penguin Force Cool! See you later! Photos Part 7 coming soon!
The attacks on the EPF have stopped. Our enemies have gone quiet - thanks to the effort of our agents.
We must act. Work together to look for any new enemy signals. Search near the ocean - it´s our only clue.
Wow, finally! lol Well, near the Ocean? Maybe the Dock, the Beach, the Iceberg, or... the Cove? Yes, let´s go to the Cove! Here we have to stand in the nearest place to the Ocean ( in the down - right part of the Screen, just aside of the Blue Catalog sign )
Yay! This Field - Op is one of my favorites! You have to match the Signals to their correct order. To do this, first create a list of signals and then follow the indications. Once completed, you will have another EPF Medal!
Also, today the FIRST EVER EPF Paycheck has been done. Remember that when Herbert destroyed the PSA we stopped receiving Agent Paychecks? Now, finally we are receiving again and of $350! $100 more than PSA paychecks! Thanks! Also, they are secret codes in this Paycheck. If you point with your mouse up of the date, a secret code will appear... It says: From the office of the Director You can know it following the Tick - Tack Toe code. Also, there is another secret code at the down part of the card. It says: Elite Penguin Force Cool! See you later! Photos Part 7 coming soon!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Reviewed by You: Christmas Igloo!
Hi penguins! Sorry about not posting the last days, I was very busy. Today Billybob has posted in the Club Penguin Community Blog a new "Reviewed by You". In this one he talks about Igloo Furniture. Also, he posted the best comment of the "Reviewed by You" of last week. Rolo 23 said:
I would make a game called do - it - yourself and i would put it in the igloos. you can design your own furniture item, and there would be judges. when you have fineshed your item, it would be shown to the judges. if they scored you over 50 points, you get to keep the item for free and it would be put in your inventory! if your score is under 50, you wouldn't get to keep it. there would be loads of designs to make! waddle on cp!
In my opinion, it is a really good Idea, Rolo 23! Now Billybob has a new question: What new igloo items would help you decorate for the holidays? If your comment is chosen, you will receive $10,000 coins to your Penguin Account! Also, in other news, you have noticed that I am posting a new story named "Photos", so please let a comment saying what do you think about it! See you later!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Photos ( Part 6 )
- I have to talk with him -
- But, you don´t know where he lives, Jerry. And, what if that man is still outside? -
- It doesn´t matters. What we have to do is talk with the school´s cleaner -
- Why? - asked Ricky
- It´s obvious he found more than what he told you, Ricky -
- But, where can we find him? -
- I don´t know... - I said, sad. - but we can try to find him -
- Where is the first place you want to search? -
- Maybe he can be in the School... -
- That´s impossible. The police made sure that no one was there before they closed it -
I thought a little seconds and then I said:
- Ricky, if you find a person dead in the School´s Hallway, where could you go? -
- Umm, to the police office. -
- Yes, the school cleaner ( Henry ) was still in the School when the police arrived there, so he should call them by telephone. -
- Right -
- So, it´s obvious that the police thinks that Henry could kill Mr. Carl -
- Yes, maybe... -
- And - I said, - what is the place where the police takes the people to interrogate them? -
- The Police Office? -
- Yes! -
- So we have to go to the Police Office to search Henry? -
- Yes, let´s go -
We got out of the shop, caring not to find again the man. When we arrived to the Police Office we entered it. A police officer was standing there.
- What do you want, guys? - he asked, serious
Ricky turned his head to the police officer and said:
- Hi Fred! - he said, smiling
The police officer soon smiled and he began to laugh.
- Hi, Ricky! How are you? And who is your friend? -
- Umm, wait a minute - I said - Ricky, do you know him? -
- Of course! He´s my father! - said Ricky, laughing. - Don´t you remember? I told you! -
I was confused, but then I said:
- Umm, ok - I said
- He´s Jerry, dad. I´m working with him in a Science´s class project - said Ricky
- Nice to meet your, Jerry -said Ricky´s dad - and, why are you here, guys? -
- Umm, we are searching Henry, our school´s cleaner. We have to make him some questions... -
- Henry? The school´s cleaner of your School? The one that found Mr. Carl, dead? -
- Yes, him - said Ricky
- He´s there, sitting in a chair -
- Ok, thanks - I said
When we where just in front of Henry, I said:
- Hi -
Henry turned his head to us.
- Hi - he said
- Henry, we have to ask you some questions... -
- Like what? - he asked
- When you found Mr. Carl, do you found something else? -
- Yes - said Henry, shaking and with a strange face that feared Ricky and I
Then, I noticed that the lights where shutting out.
- What did you found? -
- A photo -
Ricky and I where surprised, and terrorized at the same time. Then Ricky toked something out of his pocket and showed it to Henry.
- A photo, like this one? -
He showed him the photo of Mr. Carl in the hallway.
- Yes - he said
I was horrorized.
- Yes, yes, yes - we heard that Henry repeated
- Ok, thanks - Ricky said, with fear
When we turned around, we saw Ricky´s dad standing just in front of us.
- Where did you found that? - he asked, shaking
- Umm, one police accidentally dropped it in the School´s Parking lot - I said
Ricky´s dad saw us with a strange face, and then he said:
- Follow me -
- Follow me -
We followed him to a kind of basement. It was filled of file lockers. Then Ricky´s dad said:
- Many people have sent many photos like that one here, to the Police Office. Every one of them says that they found the photo just in one side of someone dead, with the face disfigured and smiling. It´s really strange that when the police goes to investigate, results that the same person that is dead is the same person that appears in the photo. -
He opened one of the lockers and showed us some files. We where terrorized.
In each one of the photos appeared on person, screaming like protecting their selves from something. And all of them had the same detail.
All had those blurry things at the sides. Made by Je45rry
( Part 7 coming soon )
- But, you don´t know where he lives, Jerry. And, what if that man is still outside? -
- It doesn´t matters. What we have to do is talk with the school´s cleaner -
- Why? - asked Ricky
- It´s obvious he found more than what he told you, Ricky -
- But, where can we find him? -
- I don´t know... - I said, sad. - but we can try to find him -
- Where is the first place you want to search? -
- Maybe he can be in the School... -
- That´s impossible. The police made sure that no one was there before they closed it -
I thought a little seconds and then I said:
- Ricky, if you find a person dead in the School´s Hallway, where could you go? -
- Umm, to the police office. -
- Yes, the school cleaner ( Henry ) was still in the School when the police arrived there, so he should call them by telephone. -
- Right -
- So, it´s obvious that the police thinks that Henry could kill Mr. Carl -
- Yes, maybe... -
- And - I said, - what is the place where the police takes the people to interrogate them? -
- The Police Office? -
- Yes! -
- So we have to go to the Police Office to search Henry? -
- Yes, let´s go -
We got out of the shop, caring not to find again the man. When we arrived to the Police Office we entered it. A police officer was standing there.
- What do you want, guys? - he asked, serious
Ricky turned his head to the police officer and said:
- Hi Fred! - he said, smiling
The police officer soon smiled and he began to laugh.
- Hi, Ricky! How are you? And who is your friend? -
- Umm, wait a minute - I said - Ricky, do you know him? -
- Of course! He´s my father! - said Ricky, laughing. - Don´t you remember? I told you! -
I was confused, but then I said:
- Umm, ok - I said
- He´s Jerry, dad. I´m working with him in a Science´s class project - said Ricky
- Nice to meet your, Jerry -said Ricky´s dad - and, why are you here, guys? -
- Umm, we are searching Henry, our school´s cleaner. We have to make him some questions... -
- Henry? The school´s cleaner of your School? The one that found Mr. Carl, dead? -
- Yes, him - said Ricky
- He´s there, sitting in a chair -
- Ok, thanks - I said
When we where just in front of Henry, I said:
- Hi -
Henry turned his head to us.
- Hi - he said
- Henry, we have to ask you some questions... -
- Like what? - he asked
- When you found Mr. Carl, do you found something else? -
- Yes - said Henry, shaking and with a strange face that feared Ricky and I
Then, I noticed that the lights where shutting out.
- What did you found? -
- A photo -
Ricky and I where surprised, and terrorized at the same time. Then Ricky toked something out of his pocket and showed it to Henry.
- A photo, like this one? -
He showed him the photo of Mr. Carl in the hallway.
- Yes - he said
I was horrorized.
- Yes, yes, yes - we heard that Henry repeated
- Ok, thanks - Ricky said, with fear
When we turned around, we saw Ricky´s dad standing just in front of us.
- Where did you found that? - he asked, shaking
- Umm, one police accidentally dropped it in the School´s Parking lot - I said
Ricky´s dad saw us with a strange face, and then he said:
- Follow me -
- Follow me -
We followed him to a kind of basement. It was filled of file lockers. Then Ricky´s dad said:
- Many people have sent many photos like that one here, to the Police Office. Every one of them says that they found the photo just in one side of someone dead, with the face disfigured and smiling. It´s really strange that when the police goes to investigate, results that the same person that is dead is the same person that appears in the photo. -
He opened one of the lockers and showed us some files. We where terrorized.
In each one of the photos appeared on person, screaming like protecting their selves from something. And all of them had the same detail.
All had those blurry things at the sides. Made by Je45rry
( Part 7 coming soon )
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Photos ( Part 5 )
There, in the pack, was another photo.
It seemed to be really old. It sides where yellow and it seemed to be torn in some places, and it was upside down. We looked each other and then I said:
- Do you want to see the photo? -
- I don´t think so... - said Ricky - and if it has something worse? -
- We don´t know... - I said
I moved my hand to the photo, disposed to turn it around and see what it had, when Ricky stopped me.
- No, Jerry! I don´t want to see it! -
- But if it has something important? Something that can help us to know what happened to Mr. Carl? -
Ricky saw me with a temorized face and then he said:
- Turn it. -
When I touched the photo, I felt cold. Then, I turned it.
We where horrorized.
I can´t explain exactly what I saw in the photo, but I can only say that there appeared a girl, like of 16 years, dead in an alley.
- Wha... what kind of photo is this?!? I said horrorized and shaking -
Then we felt something strange. Cold. Extremely cold. I could notice how the lights where shutting off again.
Then we heard something. Something big and loudy, like a thunder, in the street.
We immediatly went down the stairs, and we got out to the street. It was really cloudy, and cold...
Then we see him. The same man I saw at the school´s parking lot. It was smiling to us, showing up his yellow and old theet. This time, when I saw that the man was still carrying his camera, I was completely temorized.
Then he began to walk to us, slowly. But then he seemed to walk faster. Then faster.
- Run, Ricky! - I screamed
We began to run all across the street, without knowing where to go. But one thing was clear:
We had to avoid that man.
When I turned my head around to see if the man was still there, I almost screamed.
The man was only two meters behind us.
We ran even more faster, until we arrived to the shop that was in a street corner. We entered it, hardly breathing.
- We... we lost him? - said Ricky, excited
- I think so - I said
I remembered the photos, and then I thought about the man, and his camera.
- Ricky, do you know something else about Mr. Carl´s death? - I said
- No, the School´s cleaner didn´t said me anything else. Why do you ask, Jerry? -
- I have to talk with him -
Made by Je45rry
( Part 6 coming soon)
Card - Jitsu Water here!
Hello penguins! Guess what? Club Penguin has just released Card - Jitsu Water! Yes! Let´s go first to the Dojo Courtyard: here the place is very decorated... I like the water in the Ninja Hideout´s entrance :) As you can see, the Card Jitsu Fire video has been replaced, and now, instead, the Card Jitsu Water has been placed. Now, let´s enter the Ninja Hideout!
Yes, I will repeat: I am not member, so I toked this photo from a SWF ( thanks Loulou11207! ) It looks very awesome, and look! There´s the fish! The Ninja with the rubber duck is funny....
This new game is very different of Card - Jitsu and Card - Jitsu Water! I think that this one is even more funny than the other one. You have to avoid falling down, and to do this, you have to activate elements to destroy the obstacles that are in front of you. Also, in other news, Flipper14354 made a Card - Jitsu Water code giveaway and I won! Thanks Flipper14354! When I unlocked the code, I got four new cards. This is an image of my new cards:
Thanks and see you later!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Photos ( Part 4 )
But I entered in panic when I saw that he was carrying a camera with him.
- Hurry up, Ricky... - I said, temorized.
- Ok, ok... - he said
We entered Ricky´s mom car and we went to his house.
- This is your house, Ricky? It so nice! - I said, surprised
- Thanks, Jerry! - he said with a smile
- Ok, boys, I will be here making dinner, you and your friend can go upstairs to begin in the project - said Ricky´s mom
- It´s ok, mom - said Ricky
We went up to Ricky´s room. It was very nice.
- Nice room, Ricky! -
- Thanks, Jerry - he said again
When we sat down to began working, Ricky remembered the Brown Pack.
- Jerry, do you want to see what´s in the pack? - said, excited
- I don´t really know, Ricky... it is strange.... -
- Ricky, I have something to tell you... - I said
- What? -
- One police accidentally dropped this in the School´s parking lot. -
I toked the photo out of my pocket.
- What is it? -
- A photo, Ricky... -
- Lets see it... - he said
- Ok - I said
But when we saw the photo, we couldn´t move.
The photo was blurry in the sides, and in the center was something horrible.
There was Mr. Carl in the hallway, covering him with his hands, trying to protect him from something.
- Wha... What´s this?!? - Ricky said, confused
- It´s horrible, Ricky! - I said
- But, what are those blurry things on the sides? -
- I don´t know, but it seems like if the photo was toked to a great velocity... -
- To a great velocity, to Mr. Carl? - said Ricky temorized
- Also, in the photo Mr. Carl appears in the School´s hallway.... -
- The place where the School´s cleaner found him... dead. -
- This is strange and terrorizing, Ricky! - I said
- Obviously! -
I observed the brown pack. It was now extremely blurry.
- Ricky... let me see what´s in the pack... - I said, shaking
- Are you sure, Jerry? I don´t think that is a good idea... -
- Yeah, I have to see it -
When I touched the pack, I saw that the lights where shutting off.
- Jerry....- said Ricky, shaking
When I opened the pack, there seemed to be an Earthquake in the room. All the things began to fall to the floor.
Then all stopped.
There, in the pack, was another photo.
Made by Je45rry
( Part 5 coming soon )
Photos ( Part 3 )
- Something about a photo... -
- A photo? -
- Yes... well, do you want to go to the Principal´s office? ( Well, it was.... ) his family is letting the students to enter.
- Yes, I think that it would be a good idea. -
- So, let´s go! -
When we arrived to the office, we saw many things in the floor.
- Wow, it seems that Mr. Carl didn´t cleaned this room... -
I was just to respond, when I saw a brown pack in the floor. It was strange, because when I looked it it seemed to turn blurry...
- Jerry? - said Ricky
- Umm, sorry, what where you saying? -
- That we have to go - he answered
- Ok, let´s go -
But when I turned to see the brown pack, it was even more blurry.
- Ricky, what´s that? -
Ricky turned to see the brown pack.
- That pack? It doesn´t matters... -
- But, you don´t notice that it is blurry? -
Ricky observed the pack for a few seconds and then he said:
- Yes, I think so.... very weird, don´t you think? -
- Yes... -
- Let´s take it. - said Ricky
- Take it? But if it was of Mr. Carl? -
- Oh, come on, Jerry, it is just an old pack! -
- Well, ok... -
Ricky toked the brown pack, he hid it and we went out.
- I already know what happened, Jerry... so sorry... - said my mom when she saw me
- Don´t worry about it, mom... it´s ok -
Then I saw one of the polices giving something to another police while he was murmuring something. The other police toked that thing, but when he was about to keep it in his pocket, it felled down, and the police didn´t noticed.
I went there, I toked that thing and I realized that it was a photo.
But when I was about to see it, Ricky talked to me and I had to hide the photo in my pocket.
- What´s that thing, Jerry? -
- Nothing, Ricky... - I said, nervous
- Ok... would you like to go to my house? We will do the project there! -
- Have you talked to my mom? -
- Yes, and he said that is ok -
- Cool! Let´s go -
When I turned my head, I saw something that made me shake.
A man with old and dirty clothes, was looking at me, smiling.
But I entered in panic when I saw that he was carrying a camera with him.
Made by Je45rry
( Part 4 coming soon )
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Photos ( Part 2 )
15 years later, Washington D.C., USA. November 19, 2010
- Ok, Ricky, Thanks! - I said through the telephone just in time my mom entered the room.
- With who where you talking? - she asked
- With Ricky, mom -
- Ricky? The boy that is in your Science´s project team? -
- Yes -
- So, he could bought the materials that you and him need? -
- Yes, finally. Hey mom, I think is very late... I will going to sleep, ok? Tomorrow I have a Math Exam -
- Ok, Jerry. Good night -
- Good night, mom -
I waked up early in the morning by my cellphone´s ringing. Someone was calling me.
- Hello? - I said, tired
- Jerry? - I heard Ricky´s voice.
- Ricky? What happens? -
- Jerry, you have to go to the School right now. Something bad happened... -
I got ready as fast as I could and immeditaly, my mom taked me to the school. When we arrived, we where really confused.
Students, the Police, the Ambulance, the paramedics, detectives and the Forensic Medical Service where all around the school.
- What happened, Jerry? - my mom said
- I don´t know... -
I got out of the car and I saw Ricky going to me.
- Jerry! Finally you are here! -
- What happened, Ricky? -
- You don´t know? -
- Know what? -
- The principal is dead! -
I got shocked.
- What?!? -
- Yes, sadly that´s the true... The School´s cleaner says that, last night, when he was going to leave the school, he saw Mr. Carl walking through the Hallway. He went to the bathroom, and when he got out he didn´t saw Mr. Carl, so he thought that he leaved the School already. He went out and closed the School. -
- What happened next? -
- This morning, when he opened the School´s door, he received an horrible surprise. -
- What did he saw? - I asked, temerous
- What do you think he saw, Jerry? - said Ricky with a sarcastic and a sad face. Then he continued:
- He doesn´t want to talk about it. He said that he found Mr. Carl dead. -
- Anything else? -
- Only one more thing... -
- What? -
Ricky made a pause and said:
- Something about a photo... -
Made by Je45rry
( Part 3 coming soon )
You decide: A Card - Jitsu Water Card!
Hello! Billybob has posted in his blog ( the Club Penguin community Blog ) a new You decide! In this You decide, Billybob tells us about the "You decide" when we voted for the Island Lifter 3000 card. Now, he give us some of the future new actions of this card. Here is the image:
Here is something of what he said:
The card you picked will be out soon in the new Card-Jitsu Water trading card set. If you have the set already, you'll be able to redeem the codes on November 25.
That´s why to Loulou11207 and many other penguins appeared "You will be able to redeem the code on November 25. Please come back then" when they tried to use the code that they got when they bought a Card - Jitsu Water Card Pack! What do you think about this images? Send a comment with your opinion!
Here is something of what he said:
The card you picked will be out soon in the new Card-Jitsu Water trading card set. If you have the set already, you'll be able to redeem the codes on November 25.
That´s why to Loulou11207 and many other penguins appeared "You will be able to redeem the code on November 25. Please come back then" when they tried to use the code that they got when they bought a Card - Jitsu Water Card Pack! What do you think about this images? Send a comment with your opinion!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Photos ( Part 1 )
Hello everybody and welcome to this new story named "Photos"! This story is inspired by a dream I have a couple of days ago. This story is a suspense and terror story. I assure you that you will really like it! I wrote ( created ) this story, so DON´T COPY! If you copy, I will know! Enjoy!
Indianapolis, USA. November 19, 1995
Mr. Charlie was walking down the street, going to the subway. He was late, and the last thing he wanted was to receive another report from his job. When he arrived to the subway´s station, he saw a shadow in the wall, but he completely forgot it when the subway arrived to the station. He entered the subway, and it began its way.
When it was just half of the way, Mr. Charlie noticed that the subway´s lights where shutting down.
- Weird... - he thought
But when he saw his cellphone, he noticed that it was also failing.
- What happ...? -
In that moment, the subway turned off. It immediately stopped, and because it was to a big velocity, all the passengers felled to the floor. But Mr. Charlie felt down with so intensity that he became unconscious.
Ambulances soon arrived to the station that was nearer to the subway, and the paramedics started to help the people. All the paramedics where confused because, rarely, Mr. Charlie seemed to be the only person that suffered an injury. They soon taked him to the hospital, and, in the way, he waked up.
- You don´t have to worry about anything, Mr. Charlie. You will be ok really soon - said Dr. Dan.
- Yeah, I think you are right... - said Mr. Charlie
- I am happy to hear you say that. Now, I have to attend other person. I will be back in an hour. Goodbye -
Dr. Dan leaved the room, and Mr. Charlie became alone.
Or that was what he thought.
He noticed that the water on his glass began shaking. Then, he saw that the lights where shutting down, just like in the subway. Then he saw that the door was opening.
- Who´s there? - he asked, shaking
A man completely white, like if it was frozen, with black, old and dirty clothes, entered the room. But he had something else.
A camera.
- Who... who are you?!? - asked Mr. Charlie terrorized.
The man didn´t respond. Instead, it looked Mr. Charlie with an horrible face, and then he said:
- Smile to the camera -
And he pressed the button.
An horrible scream was heared on all the hospital. Dr. Dan was the first to react.
- Dr. Susan, come with me! - said Dr. Dan
They run through the stairs as fast as they could
- It seemed to come from Mr. Charlie´s room! - Dr. Dan said
When they arrived to Mr. Charlie´s room, the door couldn´t open.
- It is locked! -
Dr. Dan began searching in his keys.
- Mr. Charlie! Are you okay? Mr. Charlie! - Dr. Susan shouted
- Here is the key! - Dr. Dan said
But when they opened the door, they couldn´t believe what they where seeing.
Dr. Susan screamed, full of horror.
There, in the bed, Mr. Charlie was dead, with the face completely disfigured. But with another horrible detail.
He seemed to be smiling.
- What happened here, Dr. Dan?!? - Dr. Susan said with panic.
Dr. Dan didn´t respond.
Then, Dr. Susan said, shaking:
- Dr. Dan.... -
She was pointing with her hand to something that was lying in the floor near Mr. Charlie.
Dr. Dan began walking to it, slowly. When he finally was there, he tooked it from the floor.
- What is it? - Dr. Susan said
- A photo - said Dr. Dan, now shaking
- Let me see -
When Dr. Susan saw the photo, she couldn´t move.
The photo had blurry things at the sides. But that wasn´t what caused Mr. Dan and Mr. Susan panic.
In the center of the photo was Mr. Charlie, screaming, like if he was trying to protect himself from something.
Made by Je45rry
( Part 2 coming soon )
Indianapolis, USA. November 19, 1995
Mr. Charlie was walking down the street, going to the subway. He was late, and the last thing he wanted was to receive another report from his job. When he arrived to the subway´s station, he saw a shadow in the wall, but he completely forgot it when the subway arrived to the station. He entered the subway, and it began its way.
When it was just half of the way, Mr. Charlie noticed that the subway´s lights where shutting down.
- Weird... - he thought
But when he saw his cellphone, he noticed that it was also failing.
- What happ...? -
In that moment, the subway turned off. It immediately stopped, and because it was to a big velocity, all the passengers felled to the floor. But Mr. Charlie felt down with so intensity that he became unconscious.
Ambulances soon arrived to the station that was nearer to the subway, and the paramedics started to help the people. All the paramedics where confused because, rarely, Mr. Charlie seemed to be the only person that suffered an injury. They soon taked him to the hospital, and, in the way, he waked up.
- You don´t have to worry about anything, Mr. Charlie. You will be ok really soon - said Dr. Dan.
- Yeah, I think you are right... - said Mr. Charlie
- I am happy to hear you say that. Now, I have to attend other person. I will be back in an hour. Goodbye -
Dr. Dan leaved the room, and Mr. Charlie became alone.
Or that was what he thought.
He noticed that the water on his glass began shaking. Then, he saw that the lights where shutting down, just like in the subway. Then he saw that the door was opening.
- Who´s there? - he asked, shaking
A man completely white, like if it was frozen, with black, old and dirty clothes, entered the room. But he had something else.
A camera.
- Who... who are you?!? - asked Mr. Charlie terrorized.
The man didn´t respond. Instead, it looked Mr. Charlie with an horrible face, and then he said:
- Smile to the camera -
And he pressed the button.
An horrible scream was heared on all the hospital. Dr. Dan was the first to react.
- Dr. Susan, come with me! - said Dr. Dan
They run through the stairs as fast as they could
- It seemed to come from Mr. Charlie´s room! - Dr. Dan said
When they arrived to Mr. Charlie´s room, the door couldn´t open.
- It is locked! -
Dr. Dan began searching in his keys.
- Mr. Charlie! Are you okay? Mr. Charlie! - Dr. Susan shouted
- Here is the key! - Dr. Dan said
But when they opened the door, they couldn´t believe what they where seeing.
Dr. Susan screamed, full of horror.
There, in the bed, Mr. Charlie was dead, with the face completely disfigured. But with another horrible detail.
He seemed to be smiling.
- What happened here, Dr. Dan?!? - Dr. Susan said with panic.
Dr. Dan didn´t respond.
Then, Dr. Susan said, shaking:
- Dr. Dan.... -
She was pointing with her hand to something that was lying in the floor near Mr. Charlie.
Dr. Dan began walking to it, slowly. When he finally was there, he tooked it from the floor.
- What is it? - Dr. Susan said
- A photo - said Dr. Dan, now shaking
- Let me see -
When Dr. Susan saw the photo, she couldn´t move.
The photo had blurry things at the sides. But that wasn´t what caused Mr. Dan and Mr. Susan panic.
In the center of the photo was Mr. Charlie, screaming, like if he was trying to protect himself from something.
Made by Je45rry
( Part 2 coming soon )
Planet Y at Stage, New Neswpaper and Announcement!
Hello penguins! Guess what? The very famous play "Space Adventure, Planet Y", after many months, is back! Yes! Now, let´s go to the Stage to see it! There you can find several things: a spaceship, a cleaning - robot, a living room, etc.! Here you can have so much fun by clicking the Switchbox 3000.
Also, have you seen the new newspaper? It is so large! I think that I prefer the old design.... this is kinda confusing, don´t you think? Well, in this new edition ( #266 ) Club Penguin talks about the really soon arrivement of Card - Jitsu Water! This are the upcoming events:
- Starting now: New Postcards!
- From now to November 25: Water Dojo construction!
- Starting from November 25: Card - Jitsu Water!
- From November 16 - 24: Water Scavenger Hunt
Awesome, right? In other things, I have an announcement to make. As you may seen in my last post, the story "Numbers" have finished. As you may have understand, this story talks about two boys that tries to save their planet for a possible destruction by some numbers that appeared in many parts. In their way, their enemies attack them several times, trying to stop them. At the end, they understand that those people that where attacking them ( with the purpose of move forward their inventions) where from other planet, and that the name of those strange people where "Humans". ( So those stranage men where the humans )
This story shows our persistence on trying and trying to move forward our inventions, but we have to take care of ourselves. In real life, this means that we don´t have to abuse of our resources, like nature. Thanks for all that read my story! ( If you want to read it again complete I have made a new page named " CPI Library" )
I am working on a new story. This time it is going to be a suspense and terror story, and it will be named "Photos". Maybe you are thinking, why "photos"? Well, you will know it reall soon... See you later!
Numbers ( Final Part! )
- 7.15 -
- What?!? - I said with panic - 7.15?!? -
- Yeah! If 7.36 means an hour, we don´t have time to loose, we have to do something! -
In that moment, we saw something weird. The plane´s windows began shaking slowly.
Jasper saw me confused. Then he said to me:
- What´s happening, Jerry? -
The windows where shaking each time more intensive. Then we felt something even more weird in our feet. Like if the ground was moving.
- What´s that!?... -
Jasper couldn´t finish. Something strong seemed to push us apart. All the people that where there felled to the floor like Jasper and I.
- Earthquake!!! - I heard that someone screamed.
Then the movement stopped. Everything seemed normal again. Well, except for Jasper and I.
- We have to do something now, Jasper. It´s obvious that they are planning to do something bad! - Jasper said
- What we have to do? - I answered him
- Let´s go to search unusual things in the city, ok? -
- Ok, but we have to hurry -
We immediately called for a Taxi. Then we began to search in the city. We where just to give up when I saw something at one of Madrid´s plazas.
- Stop! - I said to the taxi driver - stop here! -
He stopped at the plaza. It seemed old and abandoned.
- Why do you want to stop here? It´s just an old and lonely plaza. - Jasper said to me
When I saw the fountain that was there, I said to Jasper:
- I don´t think so -
- What are you talking about? -
- Just see -
It was 7.35 P.M. Only one minute was left.
- They are not from this city - I said
28, 27, 26, 25,...
- They are not from this country... -
24, 23, 22, 21...
- They are not from this nation... -
20, 19, 18, 17...
- They are not from this continent... -
16, 15, 14, 13...
- They are not from this planet... -
12, 11, 10, 9...
- They are not from this galaxy... -
8, 7, 6, 5...
- They are not from this world -
- What are you talking about, Jerry?!? I don´t understand anything! -
4, 3 ...
I turned my head to Jasper and I said:
- Just see -
2, 1...
Just in that moment, the fountain exploded, like if it was releasing a light that I had never seen. Then, we saw all those black men being absorbed to that light. It was something horrible and loudly. But the light began to disappear and then all stopped.
All became silent.
- What happened?!? - Jasper said - what are you talking about, Jerry? Please tell me! -
- Jasper, I also didn´t know who where those men and where they came from, until I saw that fountain -
- What? -
- When I was kid, my dad told me that we where not alone in this universe. He told me that there lived other things, and that they discovered us. -
- How? - Jasper said, even more confused
- They realized experiments. They created their own spaceships. When they finally organized an expedition that would be out of their galaxy, they founded our planet. The notice was spread in both planets, in both worlds. They soon reclaimed our help so they could go forward in their inventions. - I made a pause - We agreed allowing them to visit our planet each time that they want to know more about our technology. -
- What happened? - Jasper asked me
- Our advanced experiments soon transtorned them, making them aggressive. They began to attack us -
- What?!? -
- Our government soon decided to stop those permissions that we gave them. We established that their visits would stop forever on any day, at 7.36 P.M. -
- So that made you remember, right? But what about the fountain? -
- The first portal we created for them was here, at this plaza, in this fountain -
- I understand, so, the day when they had to stop "visiting" us forever was today? -
- Yes -
- Ok, well, I am glad that all this has finished -
- Yes, me too - I said to Jasper with a smile
- Only one more question, Jerry -
- What? - I said
- What´s the name of those people? -
I taked a breath and said to Jasper:
- Humans -
This story was written by Je45rry. So, don´t copy! 19 - 11 - 10
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