Hello everyone! I am sorry that I haven't post these last days since the Holiday Party 2011 started... I have noticed that these last months I have been delaying posting things, and now I want to change that. If you visit this blog quite often, you may have noticed that I mainly post very relevant things, like parties, Reviewed by You, videos, and things like that. But now I want to post about something new: Club Penguin's Fan Art! Yes! I will also try to post "Penguins around the World" later then. If you didn't knew, Club Penguin's Fan Art is a section of the Club Penguin's Community Blog, where they post art like drawings and paintings that real people do. The Club Penguin Team usually post those drawings ( or paintings made by computer ) that has something to do with the current party or theme the Island has. This month, for example, they have posted Holiday fan art! Drawings related to Coins for Change, Christmas and New Year where the ones that where posted in public. Here are the Top 5 fan - arts of this month:
By Camilota 4 |
This picture shows 2 penguins ( and a puffle ) during Christmas. It seems that they have already received their christmas presents! The Christmas Tree is very nice... I really liked the effects the picture has: they are very detailed. The Brown Puffle is wearing a warm hat, it seems that it is also happy! The red penguin is holding a penguin - toy in his flipper, while the yellow penguin is holding a present ( maybe she is giving it to his penguin pal! ) Also, there are candies in each one of the socks! Everyone seems to be warming up near the fireplace. The yellow lights, the bookcase and the purple curtain are also great details. Great Job, Camilota4! :D
By Unknown |
This picture shows a pal of penguins playing sled racing, some puffles and a penguin wearing a Jet - Pack in the sky. The yellow puffle seems to be following the purple penguin downhill, while the pink puffle is trying to get away from them! ( LOL ) The red penguin is behind the purple one, and he / she seems to have fun! There is also a black puffle flying around, and there's a blue puffle watching. The red penguin wearing the Jet - Pack is flying around too. Look! There's a brown Puffle at one side of the picture! The snow and clouds are also very well done.This drawing is an awesome artwork, the penguins are very detailed! Great Job! :)
By Unknown |
This picture shows some penguin pals at the Beach. Everyone seems very happy for Coins for Change! One of the yellow Penguin is donating. There is a penguin with a Santa Beard! Also, the aqua and the blue penguins are very happy. The Brown puffle seems to be playful. It is wearing inventive glasses! There is one artistic yellow puffle behind that seems to like purple paint :) And look! Rockhopper is also there! He seems to be very happy too. We can see the Lighthouse, a boat ( which seems to be "The Migrator", Rockhopper's Ship ) and the sea. But what's that hat in the boat, next to the Lighthouse? It seems to be a beta hat, but I'm not sure about it. Great Job!
By Unknown |
This picture shows up two pengun pals standing behind a "Coins for Change" donating station. If you can notice, those penguins are the same ones that appear at the "Coins for Change" Logo! They seem to be very happy. Behind them, we can see some piles of coins, donating tubes, and some coins still falling from them! Also, there seems to be snow falling fromn the sky. I like this picture, the details the author made are very nice: the Coins for Change logo is the same, the penguin's accesories are also very detailed! If you visit the Lighthouse today, you will see TONS of coins! I hope that we will still donating more for the ones who need our help all around the world. Great Job!
By Unknown |
Wow! This picture shows a group of penguin pals playing outdoors. One of the penguins is wearing a Christmas - Tree costume and another one a Reindeer Costume! The orange penguin is donating to Coins for Change. Next to him / her, there's a red penguin wearing a Santa Costume! There is also a penguin wearing an elf costume. It seems that the pink penguin is amazed! I liked the background details, like the trees, the mountains, some plants and the sky. The Coins for Change logo is also very detailed! Also, the snow at the floor is very nice. This drawing shows the Christmas Spirit very well. I hope that you will have a beautiful Christmas! This picture is a great Job!
I hope that you liked these pictures! Well, today is December 22, so don't forget to go to the Forest to get your free gift: a "Milk N' Cookies" pin! As you may know, Christmas is really near! And guess what? Today the "Holiday Igloo" Contest is now open! Member penguins can now decorate their own igloos their own Christmas way, and when it's finished they can submit their igloos to the contest! The most holiday - festive igloos will be chosen as winners. I don't know very well what are the prizes, but I am sure they will be great! The contest ends in December 27, so hurry up! But before finishing this post, I have an announce to make: As you can read in my Twitter ( @cpJe45rry ) 2 days ago I got a 6 Months - Membership Card! So I will now be able to inform you about any Member event that may happen for the next 6 months.Thanks for reading, and see you later in Club Penguin Island! And Happy Holidays to everyone! :D