Monday, February 28, 2011

Reviewed by You: Puffle Jokes!

Hello penguins! Billybob posted in his blog the "Reviewed by You" of this week. Here is what he ( and Bebolebo ) said about:

Last week we gave you a sneak peek of some upcoming new puffle food. We asked you what food you'd like puffles to eat in the future. Everyone had some awesome suggestions! Check out Bebolebo's cool idea:
Here's my suggestion: We should be able to buy a BERRY BUSH like the puffles would see in the wild. Then we could put it in the middle of our igloo and the puffles could all eat off of it until the berries are all gone.

Really good idea, Bebolebo! It would be nice to buy a berry bush to put in our house... Now, this week's question is: What's your favorite puffle or pet joke? Remember that if you are going to post a joke or something it don't have to be offensive, or you may be banned. In other news, thanks Woddylan and Flipper14354 for joining the blog as authors. Thanks guys! Please don't stop visiting, we are still posting! Thanks and see you later!

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