Monday, August 23, 2010


Hello Penguins! I have several things to tell you: as you may noticed the last days, I didn´t post anything, and I was offline on CP. This is because just today my classes began. I can only say for sure that I will  not post on mornings Mondays to Fridays. Starting from now, maybe posts will be delayed. In other things, I have already stopped receiving submissions for my Artwork contest, and I only received two. One from Pips4lucy, and the other one from Flipper14354. Now, it´s time to go to the next step: the Poll! YOU will decide what Artwork do you like the most. Attention Flipper14354 and Pips4lucy: sorry but you can´t vote, because you would have no one else to vote except for your contrincant. As you may noticed, I have added again the "Vote Page!". To go there, click here! The votation will close on August 27. See you later!

1 comment:

  1. New Field Op came out + That might happen to me I start school in a week...

    UnTIL THEN...wADDLE oN!!

