Monday, August 16, 2010

The 1000 Paper Cranes Project!

Hello Penguins! As you know, there are many persons that try to make the world a better one. One of them is Sandy, a New Jersey habitant. Her mission is to spread happiness on all the world. To do this, she will create 1000 Paper Cranes with a positive word in each one. Then, she will put them in different places of the World. Now, as you are seeing now, I decided to post about that to help her and spread the notice. If you are a New Jersey habitant or you live near there, you may find a Paper crane somewhere there. If you want to see the locations of the already Paper- Cranes that have been placed there, click here! I recommend you to see that. If you want, please spread the word so all can know why there are Paper Cranes and what they mean. To see more about the project click here. See you later!


  1. Thank you so much for the blog post Jerry! Very much appreciated. :) Hope you are well.

  2. Hello Je45rry,
    Can you send me the HTML for the PST Clock to:
    - Chuckyb13

  3. Je45rry, I am really sorry that I didn't come to your party. :( I feel really bad! When you gave me that comment it was really early in the morning for me. :(

  4. Don´t worry Rosie7721, I will have another party other time:)

  5. Hey Je45rry! Can you get on Fjord and go to the dock? I need help getting a stamp! I'll wait for you there!

  6. Sorry Flipper14354, I wasnt at home when you sent me the comment... I will connect tomorrow, maybe we can meet tomorrow on CP.
